“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever…” – John 14:16, NIV

Connie was born deaf in the fifties when few resources existed for those with disabilities. But Connie’s older sister, Sandra, didn’t let that hold her back. She learned sign language so the two of them could always communicate.

Sandra let Connie follow her everywhere. They went to the same school and eventually to the same college. They lived together in the dorms and had the same circle of friends.

When Connie had a medical emergency, she had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital. A nurse was unkind to Connie and her behavior was abusive. Fortunately, Sandra arrived at the right moment. She quickly called for help and defended her sister.

Throughout her life, Sandra was Connie’s defender. She learned her sister’s language and spoke on her behalf, making sure her voice was always heard.

On the road of life, we often encounter moments where the threads of adversity threaten to unravel us. Yet, in these very moments, there exists a profound reassurance—a divine presence that stands as our unwavering advocate.

In the story of Connie and Sandra, the two sisters were bound not only by blood but by an unbreakable bond of love and support. Born into a world where barriers seemed insurmountable, Sandra chose to become Connie’s advocate, her voice in a world often deaf to the needs of those with disabilities.

Through shared experiences and relentless determination, Sandra became Connie’s beacon of hope. In moments of distress, Sandra’s advocacy shone brightest, fiercely defending her sister against the storms of adversity.

Like Connie, we too face moments of vulnerability—times when the world’s harshness threatens to overshadow our spirit. Yet, in the depths of our struggle, we are not left to fend for ourselves. For just as Sandra stood by Connie’s side, we have been bestowed with an ever-present Advocate.

The Holy Spirit, our divine Comforter, walks alongside us, intimately acquainted with our every struggle and triumph. In moments of uncertainty, He speaks on our behalf, interceding with a love that surpasses all understanding.

Let us take solace in the assurance that we are never alone. The Advocate, whose presence knows no bounds, stands ready to defend and protect us through every trial and tribulation.

So, as we navigate the intricacies of life, let us embrace the comforting truth that we are not left orphaned. Rather, we are enveloped in the loving embrace of the Holy Spirit, our eternal Advocate.

Dear Jesus, we thank You for the precious gift of the Holy Spirit, our ever-present Advocate. In moments of doubt and despair, may we find strength in Your abiding presence. Help us to remember that we are never alone, for Your Spirit walks beside us, guiding us with unwavering love. Amen.

Blessings, Pastor Stephan