“Now Thomas (also known as Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came.” – John 20:24 (NIV)

In the paths of our faith journeys, doubt often emerges as a thread of uncertainty, weaving its way through the fabric of our beliefs. It is a natural part of the human experience, a pathway to deeper understanding and stronger conviction.

Consider Henry, a devoted pastor who has lovingly shepherded his flock for over two decades. His heart swells with joy as he witnesses generations pass through the doors of his cherished church. Yet, when his own daughter returned from college with questions that pierced his soul, Henry found himself at a crossroads of doubt and despair.

Fearing judgment and failure, Henry grappled with how to navigate his daughter’s uncertainties. In his anguish, he sought solace and wisdom from a trusted mentor. And in the gentle guidance of his elder, Henry found a beacon of hope.

“Do you know what Jesus did with Doubting Thomas?” his mentor asked. “He didn’t turn him away. Instead, he invited him closer, allowing him to touch His scars.”

Indeed, dear friends, Jesus doesn’t shy away from doubt; He embraces it with open arms. He invites us to draw near, to explore our uncertainties, and to seek understanding in the midst of confusion.

When our loved ones question their faith or wrestle with doubts about God, it can stir feelings of inadequacy and fear within us. We may wonder if we have failed in our roles as mentors and guides. But let us remember the example set forth by our Savior.

Like Jesus, let us extend an invitation of grace and compassion. Let us create spaces where doubts can be voiced without judgment, where questions can be explored with patience and understanding.

For it is in the midst of doubt that faith is refined, strengthened, and made whole. It is in the wrestling, the seeking, that we draw closer to the heart of God.

Let us pray:

Heavenly Father, We come before You with hearts burdened by the doubts of our loved ones. We lift up (name) to You, knowing that You see the turmoil within their hearts. May Your presence be felt in their doubts, may Your love overshadow their fears. Like Thomas, may they encounter Your scars and find reassurance in Your embrace.

In Your name, we pray. Amen.

Friends, may we journey alongside our loved ones with patience, empathy, and unwavering love. And may we trust in the promise that, in the midst of doubt, God’s light shines brightest, illuminating the path to deeper faith and understanding.

Blessings, Pastor Stephan